We take privacy very seriously in our office, and the entire staff works diligently to maintain your privacy. Privacy is not about some federal regulation or a poster on a doctor’s office wall; it is a cultural phenomenon. We strive to maintain a culture of privacy. Our records are maintained electronically and are password-protected. Any paper records we receive will be scanned electronically then shredded. If, while you are visiting us, you identify a way that we can improve patient privacy, please let us know.
In order for us to care for patients, we usually need information from the referring primary care physician. Likewise, we always communicate with that physician the findings and recommendations generated by the visit, unless you specify otherwise. Please realize that if you do not bring pertinent medical information from your primary care physician’s office, we may need to contact that doctor’s office to get that information. This creates additional concerns about issues of privacy, and it will certainly create delays in seeing you.
HIPPA is the acronym for the privacy guidelines that have been mandated by the Federal Government. Every doctor’s office is required to develop these guidelines, post them, document that every patient seen in the office is offered a copy of those guidelines, and make them available for patients. Our guidelines are listed below.
Click here to review our Notice of Privacy Practices found in the “Patient Information” section of this website.